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Auberge de la sélune

Standard Suite

Discover our Standard Suite
Standard Suite
1-2 pers.
double beb 160x200

Standard Suite

This suite consists of a main room in which there is the bed and a sofa. The toilets are separate from the bathroom. It is located on the 2nd floor (no elevator) and overlooks the entrance to the establishment.

picto wifi Wifi
picto tv TV
picto Espace bureau Desk
picto Bouteille d’eau Water bottle
picto Plateau de courtoisie Courtesy tray
picto livret Welcome booklet
picto livret Reading light
picto Prise électrique en tête de lit Electric socket at head of bed
picto ventilateur Ventilator


picto Toilettes séparés Separate toilet
picto Douche Shower
picto Sèche-cheveux Hair dryer
picto Miroir grossissant Magnifying mirror
picto Produits d’accueil Hospitality products
picto Prise rasoir Shaver socket