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Auberge de la Sélune

The Bay of Mont Saint-Michel

If most visitors to the region wish to visit Mont-Saint-Michel and Saint-Malo above all, we can only recommend that you also take an interest in the entire Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel. You will be amazed by landscapes of great beauty, grandiose or more intimate, dotted with heritage nuggets both on the coast and inland.

Between Avranches and Granville

The coastal road between Avranches and Granville is full of magnificent views over the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel. From the Grouin du Sud near Vains, from the Bec d'Andaine near Genêts, from the Vauban cabin between Saint-Jean-le-Thomas and Carolles, you will see Mont-Saint-Michel and Tombelaine, its neighboring islet, in different ways , All more beautiful than the other. Then Carolles, Jullouville and Saint-Pair-sur-Mer will offer you local beaches where you can relax, before your arrival in Granville. On the road, or just off the road, architectural gems await you, such as the Lucerne Abbey in Lucerne d'Outremer.

To fully enjoy this route, we advise you to plan a full day. You can also plan less but in this case you will have to select what you want to do.

Crossing the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel

Not to be missed if you have the time. The crossings will make you relive the sensations of pilgrims while enjoying unique nature experiences.

Numerous crossings are proposed to you by various guides, simple or thematic, from January to December.