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Group meals for 7 to 50 people

Organize your group meal in Ducey

Enjoying a privileged geographical location between Normandy and Brittany, near Avranches, the Auberge de la Sélune in Ducey proposes to organize your group meal in a particularly pleasant setting.

Whether you come for a family meal, a company meal, an association meal, or a stop lunch, and depending on the number of people in your group, we will be able to dedicate a suitable room for you.

In good weather, our customers enjoy prolonging their pleasure by having coffee outside in our riverside garden.

Contact us to make an appointment, and we will study your project together to best reply to it.

Birthday meals, communion, baptism

Meals with family or friends

The Auberge de la Sélune is the ideal place for your family meal.

The warm, friendly atmosphere of the establishment, the setting with our riverside garden, and the quality of the cuisine, make it the perfect place to meet up and share a pleasant moment with the family.

Make an appointment with us, and together we'll organise the best response to your needs, whether in terms of the meal on offer or the wines and other beverages, as well as the room and its configuration. We know this is an important moment for you, and we'll do everything we can to make your event a success.

Business meals, Christmas meals, end of year meals

Company meals in the Manche

Our know-how is at the service of your business meals and company meals in the Manche.

For a Christmas meal, an end-of-year meal, a seminar or any other company meal, your colleagues, suppliers or customers will appreciate our chef's refined, gourmet cuisine and the pleasant setting of our restaurant room or terrace in fine weather.

Contact us to discuss the solution best suited to your needs and the number of people in your group.

General assembly, office meals, end-of-year meals

Association meal

Our restaurant rooms can accommodate groups of up to approximately 50 people, for your office meetings, general meetings, end-of-year meals or any other associative event.