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The soul of the Inn

Through time

The Auberge de la Sélune is the fruit of a family tradition of hotel and catering in Ducey which began in 1907. For 4 generations, the Girres family has welcomed travelers of all times. This tradition began at the Hôtel des Voyageurs, Grande Rue, before moving in 1981 to the former Ducey hospice, rue Saint-Germain, to become the Auberge de la Sélune. This family spirit has since infused this place, giving it that extra soul that you will feel.


Hôtel des Voyageurs

On 21 August 1907, Paul and Marie Girres bought the Hôtel des Voyageurs from Mr and Mrs Provost. They founded this family tradition, which survived two wars before being passed on to Pierre and Andrée Girres in 1947. The Hôtel des Voyageurs was first and foremost a party venue for families from Ducey and the surrounding area, who would gather there in large numbers for hours on end for communions, weddings or pantagruelian christenings. In the 1960s, the Hôtel des Voyageurs became a meeting place for salmon fishermen, lovers of nature and convivial evenings. The Hôtel des Voyageurs finally became part of the Logis de France in the 70s, and was modernised in its time by integrating bathrooms into the rooms.


Auberge de la Sélune - 3rd generation

Jean-Pierre and Josette Girres took over the Hôtel des Voyageurs in 1977. An opportunity presented itself in 1981: the former hospice in Ducey, with its garden and river, was up for sale. Supported by a number of local personalities and friends, they seized the opportunity and opened the Auberge de la Sélune in 1982, a new 2-star hotel, which was the standard of comfort at the time. This was a turning point in gastronomy, with the legendary recipes of Jean-Pierre Girres: crab pie, of course, but also trout soufflé à la Ducéenne, saddle of rabbit stuffed with cider vinegar, panaché of sea bass and salmon with grapefruit butter, rhubarb mousse glazed with raspberry coulis. It was also the culmination of the link between our family tradition and salmon fishing, whose voices can still be heard in the Auberge's old bar.

1994 was the year of major renovations, with the appearance of the current main restaurant, the extension of the reception area, and new rooms in the north wing of the building. In 2001, the "little chapel" in the garden was restored to its original state, a jewel of local craftsmanship by Mottier and Delaroche.

2012 - today

Auberge de la Sélune - 4th generation

Putting an end to their previous professional lives, Patrice and Sandra Girres took over the reins of the Auberge in 2012. With their personalities, adapting to the rules of a new world, and in particular to the Internet, they have since perpetuated this house with the desire to maintain and deepen the level of service provided and the pleasure of customers. Following in the footsteps of Jean-Pierre Girres, the cuisine has continued to develop in the quest for quality and refinement, always drawing on the many local products from the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, always championing the enchanting professions of the hotel and restaurant trade. Little by little, they in turn strive to renovate each year, to adapt to the changes and difficulties of their time, and to continue the beautiful story that they will be delighted to share with you during your stay.

A Ducey heritage

History of a place

The Auberge de la Sélune is located in a beautiful Ducey stone building. This building, close to Ducey Castle, was already shown on plans dating back to 1813. It was the site of the former Delivet hospice from 1878 to 1965, which later became an old people's home until it was moved to its current location.

Numerous old postcards and photos show the site's rapid evolution over the last 150 years. Traces of these changes remain, both visible and hidden, adding a dimension of history to our establishment.

Find out more: discover the beautiful book "Ducey à la recherche de son passé", by Valérie Houlbert (information at the Tourist Office).

Since the 70s

The Logis Hotels family

A member of the Logis de France family since the 1970s, the Girres family has grown with it, seeing it evolve into Logis, then Logis Hotels. The Girres family has always been active in the Logis family, taking part in local culinary events. Jean-Pierre Girres represented Normandy in a national culinary competition in 2000. Today, Patrice Girres is continuing in the same vein. We see ourselves as part of this great family of independent hotel and restaurant owners, working together to perpetuate and modernise a certain French tradition of hospitality and gastronomy.